Vlatko Trajkov

Full-stack Developer

Vlatko is a full-stack developer with 16+ years of industry experience and a passion for building applications from the ground up. In the ongoing project for PR platform MyNewsDesk, he uses his expertise in Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Postgres, and Elasticsearch on the back end and React and Typescript on the front end.

Having worked in multiple sectors—including television networks, video streaming, and web-based apps—he enjoys being a proactive team member, learning from and teaching others. He's a strong proponent of code reviews, pair programming, and a thorough testing process.

Most recently, Vlatko has been delving into cloud services and architecture, AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes. He enjoys participating in infrastructure planning and discussions and exploring AI's possibilities. Beyond projects, Vlatko is a big fan of open-source and giving back to the community. He's also a fluent Swedish speaker.

Recent projects

10.2023 - Ongoing
Full-Stack Developer

09.2020 - 10.2023
Full-Stack Developer

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